Benefits for development

How do development roles benefit from the GDDL approach?

The GDDL allows IT and front-end developers to integrate tracking into their way of working. Both in the implementation as in the QA process.

Development is used to approach a website as a combination of building blocks: small components that can be combined in various ways to create pages and entire digital experiences. The GDDL applies the same logic and is also component based: tracking should be implemented in each building block. Including tracking in the "definition of done" makes sure that it becomes part of the implementation process.

Development has quality assurance (QA) processes in place to guarantee the uptime and performance of the website. Thanks to its structured approach and well documented tagging plan, the GDDL can be incorporated within unit-tests and end-to-end integration tests. Both in a manual and automated way. Making tracking subject of the existing QA processes, increases confidence in the data throughout the entire organisation.

Last updated