Benefits for management

How do management roles benefit from the GDDL approach?

For management, it's important that the output of a tracking implementation results in trustworthy data that can be used in various ways throughout the organisation. By embedding the tracking implementation within the QA processes already in place by IT, we ensure a qualitative data foundation. And by making an abstraction of all the actions that are tracked, we also make the data widely usable. The implementation is not only relevant for digital marketers.

Also, management expects a return on investment. A tracking implementation requires quite some resources (development, testing, configuration of the tag mangement and analytics solution, etc.). So, when the organisation agrees to invest in a new implementation, it wants this investment to be future proof and result in additional revenue.

The GDDL is a sustainable approach to a measurement implementation: double work is avoided by eliminating vendor-specific code. Only one event will be implemented for every interaction (prevent an overload of code with the same purpose) and no need for code changes when it's time to migrate to a new vendor.

And how can a data implementation contribute to additional revenue, you might ask. This is twofold: by taking into account the conversion optimisations that were taken as a result of the insights created by the data, and by looking at the new practices that the sound data foundation enables (cfr. personalisation, segmentation, data-as-a-service, etc.).

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